Digital SAT® Private Tutoring
A personalized approach to SAT prep
Our expert tutors work with you to set goals and exceed them.
Available in person and online. To speak with a Tutoring specialist, call (877)990-4626
Enroll NowCustomized Learning
- An expert tutor will keep you motivated and help you understand difficult topics, ensuring you achieve your goal.
- A dedicated tutoring team who works with your tutor to help guide you along the way.
Practice Tools
- Full-length and single-section practice tests
- Practice questions and online drills
- Expert-created interactive video lessons
- Interactive online score reports to track progress
Expert Materials
- The Princeton Review’s SAT review books
The Princeton Review Guarantee
- If you don’t score higher on your exam, we’ll refund your tuition. If you’re not 100% satisfied with your tutor after the first session, we’ll find you a better match—and you’ll get another session, on us.*
No One is More Prepared to Help
You Succeed the Digital SAT
Achieve your highest Digital SAT score potential with
our exclusive expertise and personalized support.
Newly Designed
Digital SAT Practice Tests
Full-length tests mirror
College Board’s Bluebook app.
Top Tutors Re-certified
for Digital SAT
Thousands of hours have been put
into the training of our tutors!
Money Back Guarantee
If you purchase the comprehensive tutoring package and you don’t score higher on your exam, we’ll refund your tuition. Click here for terms and conditions.
Meet Our Expert Digital SAT Tutors
Only candidates who pass our rigorous hiring process, and were recently recertified for Digital SAT, qualify to teach your student.
Aimie Zale, M.D.
Aimie’s degrees are in Medicine and Microbiology, and she also did coursework in Nursing and Musical Theater before deciding to pursue science. She loves traveling all over the state to teach and tutor students, and the biggest payoff for her is seeing a student enjoy learning the material and reaching their goal. Aimie was originally born in Watertown, MA, but has since lived in four other states before finally settling in Western MA.
Amanda Nowotny
Amanda began working for The Princeton Review in 2006 as an SAT instructor. After earning that first certification, she caught the TPR bug and has since trained in ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT CARS, ISEE, SSAT, and College Admissions Consulting. While laid-back and irreverent, she challenges her students to achieve their highest potential and cherishes the notion that a better test score can actually change a student’s life.
Craig Taylor
Craig joined The Princeton Review after graduating from Duke University in 1990. He has tutored over 2000 students with unparalleled results. Focusing on tutoring exclusively for the last 15 years, his experience gives him the ability to pinpoint, analyze, and diagnose areas of weakness and design approaches specifically tailored to each student. He has the experience and expertise to achieve the highest score improvements possible.
Valerie Meyers
Valerie resumed teaching at The Princeton Review after she retired from her career of working as a medical manager. She encourages all her students to ask questions so that they may solve problems together. An important part of her tutoring philosophy is that she wants to help the student achieve their goals. Practice is important, and she will encourage a student who is reluctant to do the work in order to achieve the best results.
Improve your score with our Comprehensive Digital SAT Tutoring Package.
Engaging and Personalized LiveOnline Platform
Draw on the board, upload docs—perfect for online study
Ultimate Customization:
Hide and unhide the features you need
Precision Perfected:
Crafted for optimal learning after analyzing 582,400+ hours of sessions.
Digital SAT Success with
Exam-Like Practice Tests
Exam success with our practice tests,
mirroring The College Board's Bluebook app.
In-Depth Score Analysis
Guided by Your Expert Tutor
Your dedicated tutor will use your score report to expertly tailor your study plan, focusing on your strengths and targeting areas that need improvement.
What’s Included with Digital SAT Private Tutoring
Digital SAT
Comprehensive Tutoring
18 hours with an expert digital SAT tutor
Money Back Guarantee - score higher on your exam, or we’ll refund your tuition.
Click here for terms and conditions.
6 exclusive digital SAT practice tests
The Princeton Review’s digital course manual
365 days access to online materials
Detailed Score Analysis for each practice test
Practice tests, and video lessons for the ACT
*Please see our terms and conditions for all the details.
Digital SAT
Targeted Tutoring
10 hours with an expert digital SAT tutor
6 exclusive digital SAT practice tests
The Princeton Review’s digital course manual
365 days access to online materials
Detailed Score Analysis for each practice test
Practice tests, and video lessons for the ACT
Exclusive Online Tools
Digital SAT Tutoring Options
Frequently Asked Questions